

ヒーリング・リーディングを受けた方から嬉しいご感想を頂戴しましたので、紹介させていただきます 🍀



I have been getting healing sessions with healing b/Chika, and it usually helps me reach a really peaceful and focused state that I can't achieve by myself.


I struggle with anxiety and have a hard time calming down, so this experience is super important for me. Chika has a kind and empathetic way of helping me feel more relaxed, and I always end up feeling more grounded and tranquil.


I would definitely recommend her services to anyone who needs help with their mental or emotional well-being.


As for the physical pain, I have experienced it disappearing with a certain time lag (not at the moment of healing, but the complete disappearance of it the following day).



healing b/Chikaのヒーリングセッションを受けると、いつも自分ではなかなか到達できない、とても穏やかで集中できる状態になれます。










